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Contact PUA

To get in touch with the Pittsburgh Umpire Association by email, use the following addresses. All addresses are at pua-umpires.org (i.e.: for address, send messages to address@pua-umpires.org)

  • To contact the assigner regarding new schedules, previously scheduled games, or other changes, send mail to assigner, or call the assigner phone.
  • For information about joining PUA, requests for PUA to officiate your games, issues with the organization, or other topics best addressed by a PUA officer, you can send mail to the PUA President at president
  • If you have problems accessing the PUA website, send mail to the webmaster at webmaster
  • Messages which do not fit into these categories can be sent to the general PUA contact address, contact

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Page last modified: 2010.04.12 22:46:02 EDT